Q. What is Infrared Thermography?

R. Infrared thermography refers to the technique of producing a visible image from infrared light (invisble to the human eye) emitted by objects in accordance with their thermal condition. A thermographic camera produces a live image (visualized as a photograph depicting temperature radiations). The cameras measure the temperature of any object or surface and produce an image with colors that interpet the thermal design with ease. An image produced by an infrared camera is called a Thermograph or Thermogram.

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Q. Where can a Thermography be used?

R. Infrared Thermography can be applied in any situation where a problem or condition can display itself by means of a thermal difference. For many situations, this is quite easy to apply: a thermal condition can be seen because the process involves the detection of differences in the release of an objects thermal energy.

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Q. Is the cost of an Infrared inspection justifiable?

R. During an inspection, we find an average of 8 to 20 problems. A third of these pose a severe risk, for which corrective actions must be taken in no more than 30 days. By comparing the cost invested in the Infrared analysis, against the cost of purchasing a replacement part, the losses incurred during the time such parts are being fixed, and the potential emergency purchases and services that must be made to continue production, you can judge for yourself. One must also note that poor electrical connections (which we detect using this process) can cause premature deterioation of the electrical equipment cables. This causes significant energy losses due to the increased amount of resistance on the cable connection or component with the failure.

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